Supplements and Informed Decision Making

Supplements and Informed Decision Making

Supplements are one of the leading causes of inadvertent doping, yet studies have estimated supplement use among athletes ranges anywhere from 40% to100% (Garthe & Maughan, 2018).

Athletes use supplements for a multitude of reasons, such as to support basic nutritional needs, manage nutritional deficiencies, improve and/or sustain health and enhance physical performance. Supplements can offer the prospect of bridging the gap between success and failure, but often come with risks to health and can contain substances prohibited in sport.

We invite all athletes and their support personnel to watch the first of two webinars designed to support informed decision-making around supplement use.

Joining us for part one were Carina Horn, international track and field athlete from South Africa who tested positive for a prohibited substance from supplement use, and nutrition expert Lillian Morton who has worked with multiple elite athletes across different sports.

They will share their experiences and provide practical tips on a food-first approach to nutrition. Moderator: Nikki Hamblin, ITA Education Team Panelist: Carina Horn, 2016 Olympian and multiple-time World Championship semi-finalist, Athletics Panelist: Lillian Morton, Sports Nutritionist

0:00 Introduction

3:49 Risks of supplements

10:25 Carina Horn, OLY personal story

26:15 Food-First Approach - Lillian Morton

35:12 Protein

41:52 Creatine

46:26 Caffeine

50:51 Additional Supplement Replacement Tips

52:34 Q&A session


For any further ITA information - freely refer to their resources here.

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